So I do this thing for myself. At the start of each week, I create a fresh note in Drafts to serve as my weekly planner. It basically serves to keep me on task and to plan around family social calendars and remind me of things that need doing. At the end of each week, I sit down and review what has been done and what may need to be pushed to the following week. Then repeat.

I’ve been thinking for a bit now that this would make a great format for a weekly newsletter of sorts. So here’s a first stab at it. I’m sure this may change/evolve over time (most applicable slug line of this site, right there!), but no time like the present to get it rolling. I expect this will be the usually Sunday output you can expect from me until I end up doing something different. Enjoy!

Weekly Goals:


Posts Made This Week:

Listening to This Week:

Currently Watching:

Currently Reading:

And that’s that for this week. Again, I’m sure this format will change/evolve over time. But this is a start.

Hope you all are having an excellent weekend. Until next time!