Posts in: IndieWeb

I’ll keep this one brief. Spent the day drafting up and ultimately posting the three cornerstone pages that I set out to do. Now I have an About page, a Contact page, and a /now page.

And …

So turns out, there are a LOT of great sources of inspiration on how to go about setting up some cornerstone pages out there.

I’ve spent most of the day happily falling down the IndieWeb rabbit …

I used to watch a lot of Three Stooges with my dad when I was a kid. Personally, I preferred the Marx Brothers, but I didn’t control the television remote. There was this one Three Stooges skit …

I like to start each week with a goal.

Okay, that’s a complete lie. But I’d really like to be the kind of person who does actually start each week with goals and intentions in mind. So …

I remember my first website. Before Wordpress, before MySpace, even before GeoCities. It was a simple tilde page on a local university server. And believe me when I say, it was nothing to brag about. …